AB Prototype 1911DW Commander Custom Pistol, Double-Wide, Metal Grip

AB Prototype

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  • Trijicon SRO Reflex Sight, RMR Adjustable LED, 2.5MOA, SRO2-C-2500002
  • Trijicon SRO Reflex Sight, RMR Adjustable LED, 5MOA, SRO3-C-2500003, 2500003, Red Dot, RDS
  • Trijicon SRO Reflex Sight, RMR Adjustable LED, 1 MOA, SRO1-C-2500001
  • Trijicon RMR Type 2 Reflex Sight, Adjustable LED, 3.25MOA, Red Dot, RM06-C-700672, RDS
  • Trijicon RMR Type 2 Reflex Sight, Adjustable LED, 6.5MOA, Red Dot, RDS, RM07-C-700679
  • Steiner MPS Closed Emitter Reflex Sight, Adjustable LED, 3.3MOA, 8700-MPS
  • Leupold Deltapoint Pro, 2.5MOA
  • Leupold Deltapoint Pro, 6MOA
  • Leupold Deltapoint Pro FDE, 6MOA
  • Holosun 507 Elite Competition Reflex Sight, 2MOA, 8-20-32MOA, Red, HS507COMP
  • Holosun 507 Elite Competition Reflex Sight, 2MOA, 8-20-32MOA, Green, HS507COMP-GR
  • Holosun 507C X2 Reflex Sight, 2MOA, 32MOA, Green Dot, HE507C-GR X2
  • Holosun 509T X2 Enclosed Reflex Sight, HE509T-RD X2
  • Holosun EPS MRS Enclosed Reflex Sight, EPS-RD-MRS
  • Holosun EPS Carry Enclosed Reflex Sight, 6MOA, EPS-CARRY-RD-6
  • Shield Sights RMSx XL Reflex Sight, Glass, 4MOA, RDS, RMSX-4MOA-GLASS
  • Shield Sights RMSc Reflex Sight, Glass, 4MOA, Red Dot, RMSC-4MOA-GLASS
  • Shield Sights RMSc Reflex Sight, Glass, 8MOA, Red Dot, RMSC-8MOA-GLASS
  • Swampfox Justice Micro Reflex Sight, 3MOA, RED, IQJTC001273, swamp fox, RDS, micro reddot optic, Trijicon RMR Holosun 507C footprint, Red Dot, 3MOA, 6MOA
  • Swampfox Liberty Micro Reflex Sight, 3MOA, RED, IQLBT001223, swamp fox, RDS, micro reddot optic, Trijicon RMR Holosun 507C footprint, Red Dot, 3MOA, 6MOA
  • Swampfox Sentinel Micro Reflex Sight, Auto Adjust, 3MOA, RED, IQSNL00116RD, RDS, micro reddot optic, Shield RMR SMS footprint
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NEW AB Prototype Built 1911DW (Double-Wide, 2011-Clone) Commander Pistol, Caliber of Choice, Various Finishes Available. (This is a firearm that requires a background check and transfer - NOT AVAILABLE IN CA) - LEAD TIME MINIMUM 12 WEEKS.

This the build page for our custom-built 2011-style commander-size pistol in the caliber of your choosing (THE 1911DW, DOUBLE-WIDE). We will custom build your 1911DW to your liking, using the various quality manufactures we use and trust.

This personalized build starts with a Cheely Custom Gunworks government-size 2011-style frame (Clark/Para Ramp) and commander or full-size grip (E2 or L2) designed with performance and competition in mind. The frame rails are CNC machined and hand-fitted to a quality Atlas slide for ultimate fit and finish. The Kart barrel in a caliber of your choosing (bull barrel only) is hand-fitted to your slide for repeatable lockup and accuracy. Finally the frame rail is trimmed to be flush to the slide. 

Internal components consist of quality machined parts from various US manufacturers including Dawson Precision, Cheely Custom Gunworks, Staccato (STI), Atlas, Kart, EGW, Ed Brown, Wilson Combat and more.

Semi-auto, 4.25" barrel, quality steel slide with AB Prototype slide serrations and optic plate system (Atlas RDS). Various coatings are available as selectable options, more than two colors will require an additional fee. All serial numbers start with "ABP" prefix.

Comes with 2 Factory Atlas (17rd for 9mm) magazines in your caliber selection. (45 magazines will be Checkmate or similar depending on availability).


  • 1911DW 9mm w/optic, ventilator port, aluminum grip, magwell and empty 17rd magazine is approx. XXoz.
  • 1911DW 9mm w/optic, ventilator port, stainless steel grip, magwell and empty 17rd magazine is approx. XXoz.

Brand new with AB Prototype 1 year warranty. This is not legal for sale in CA and not on the handgun roster. It is not available for sale in California unless you are law enforcement.

Includes: 1 AB Prototype 1911DW Custom, 2 Atlas magazines, lock and soft pistol bag. Factory test-fired for function and operation. Grease, brass, oil will be present. Pistol is NEW. OPTICS ARE NOT INCLUDED. MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TUNING FOR NON-STANDARD AMMUNITION LOADS.

High cap magazines are not available in restricted states without credentials.

FFL is REQUIRED for transfer. 

For quickest shipping please have your FFL send their license to our email: contact@abprototype.com. We will only ship to the FFL address. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Transfer fees are not included, State tax (outside TN) not included. All firearms ship FedEx.